Prickett Jones Director Elizabeth McGeever Honored With 2018 First State Distinguished Service Award
June 15, 2018
The Awards Committee and the Executive Committee of the Delaware State Bar Association (DSBA) presented Elizabeth McGeever with the 2018 First State Distinguished Service Award at the DSBA’s Bench & Bar Conference.
The award is given annually to a member of the Delaware Bar who, by exemplary leadership and service dedicated to the cause of good citizenship in civic and humanitarian service over a period of many years, has maintained the integrity and honored recognition of the legal profession in community affairs and who, as an outstanding Delawarean, unceasingly advances the ideals of citizen participation and community accomplishment, thus reflecting high honor on both country and profession.
Ms. McGeever practices in the areas of corporate and business litigation at Prickett Jones. Her many leadership roles in the Delaware bar include a term as President of the DSBA from 2007-2008. Prickett Jones congratulates Ms. McGeever on this latest achievement.